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The Reflective Frame


The creation of the CBB Model and its use as a tool to help principals understand the need to think strategically about their business was debated in French (2009g) the Inductive Frame. The CBB Strategic Thinking System was developed and the consequences discussed in French (2009h) the Deductive Frame. Particular emphasis was placed on concentrating on thinking deeply with a Critical epistemological focus, and developing quality answers to the questions posed by the system.


The CMS concept of a change in management style—from a Modernist, traditional hands-on, hierarchical manager/subordinate style, to a more inclusive, self-management style—was the “action” element. The provision of an answer to research question three was the “research” element of the AR project: What tangible benefits are derived by a small business over a period of three years if a selected model of strategy is used in conjunction with selected questions and activities? As shown in Figure 1, three AR cycles were required to achieve the objectives in this paper.


The action element of the AR project is complete. The philosophies, ideas, and concepts have been tested and results have been delivered. Changes to practice have been made and a theoretical model of strategy creation for small business has been developed so that other practitioners may benefit. The research element is complete and the third research question has been answered:


Research Question 3:

What tangible benefits are derived by a small business over a period of three years if a selected model of strategy is used in conjunction with selected questions and activities?

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